To Know Who You Are and who you want to be

X The Waiting Game

  • A Winter 1777-1778 Colonists have to not lose the war before France gets there to help
  • B Washington and troops hide out and train at Valley Forge PA
  • C ​25% of troops die from disease, freeze, and starvation

The painting by Benjamin West of the Treaty of Paris was not finished because the British refused to pose. This public domain image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

XV Treaty of Paris

  • A Officially ends war in 1783
  • B Chief negotiator of treaty Benjamin Franklin
  • ​C England must recognize American Independence
  • ​D U.S. Boundary to west at Mississippi River, north at Canada, South at Florida
  • E ​American fishing rights off Canadian Coast
  • F ​4 Repay War Debts
  • ​G 5 Return enslaved people
  • ​H 6 States return property to loyalists
  • ​I 7 England to abandon forts in American territory

XIV Yorktown

  • A Last Battle 1781
  • B Remainder of British army surrounded
  • C Continental Army (patriots) by land
  • ​D French Navy by sea
  • E ​Cornwallis surrenders to Washington

XIII Other Help

  • ​A James Armistead - Slave of MQDL worked undercover as a spy in British HQ

XII Tide Turns

  • A Victories at Sea led by
  • B John Paul Jones (Privateer) Considered founder of the Navy
  • ​C "I have not yet begun to fight"
  • ​D Bernardo De Galvez - Spanish governor of Louisiana who protects American Ships in New Orleans
  • E ​Baron von Steuben - Experienced Prussian (German) soldier comanded colonial troops

XI Foreign Help

  • A France sends money, troops, weapons, supplies, and ships
  • ​B Marquis de Lafayette - French nobleman who serves under Washington
  • ​C Haym Salomon - Jewish Immigrant who lends money to finance the war

IX Turning Point

  • A Saratoga
  • B Turning point battle
  • ​C Major colonial victory
  • D Convinces France that the colonists can win

VIII The War Continues

  • A British winning most battles
  • ​B With the exception of a colonial win at Princeton after Washington crosses the Delaware River day after Christmas
  • C ​Needs a win to boost confidence and maintain enlistments
  • D Benjamin Franklin sent to France as an ambassador to get support
  • ​E France needs to be convinced the colonies can win

VII Britain Takes Control

  • A More of English Army arrives, England starts to win
  • B ​New York headquarters of Continental Army captured by British
  • C ​Washington avoids capture, good at that
  • D ​Colonies Declare Independence July 4th 1776
  •         i Big boost to colonial morale
  • ​        ii Inspired by T. Paine and Common Sense

VI Early Battles

  • A Lexington and Concord: Colonial Victory
  • B ​Fort Ticonderoga: Colonial Victory, win supplies including cannons
  • C Bunker Hill: British Victory but colonists had fewer casualties

IV England Dis-Advantages

  • A Long supply lines
  • B Unfamiliar with the land
  • C Lacked motivation

V England Advantages

  • A ​Large Army
  • ​B Greatest Navy
  • C ​Endless supplies and money

III Colonies Advantages

  • ​A Knew the land
  • ​B Short supply lines
  • ​C Highly motivated

II Colonies Dis-Advantages

  • ​A Small untrained Army
  • B No Navy
  • ​C Limited supplies and money

I Second Continental Congress

  • ​A Government of the colonies during the war
  • B Creates Continental Army
  • C Appoints George Washington to Commander
  • D Most important action was declaring independence

Revolutionary War